Insurance Oasis

Wilson Financial

If there’s one thing certain about life – it’s the uncertainty that "living" brings. Life Happens! Even though you may think you’ve covered all the bases, life sometimes has a funny way of throwing you a curveball when you least expect it.

Insurance is essential to any comprehensive financial security plan. If tragic events like death, disability or critical illness strike, insurance can protect you and your family from undue hardship.

I have access to a variety of insurance products that can help meet your financial security planning needs. No matter your personal situation—if you’re single or in a family; a professional or a seasonal employee; an executive or small business owner—we will work together to design a customized plan.

Life Insurance

In the event of death, life insurance offers surviving family members increased financial security. As a tax-free lump sum payment, it can pay for final expenses and debts, as well as provide income for the deceased’s dependents. Some life insurance policies also provide tax-advantaged savings that you can draw on to achieve goals like buying a house or retiring comfortably.

The advantages of life insurance include:

  • An instant estate for your loved ones at a time when funds are most needed
  • Death benefits that are almost always non-taxable for named beneficiaries
  • Avoid probate costs if you name a beneficiary other than your estate
  • Build tax-advantaged capital for retirement purposes or provide liquid savings through some permanent life insurance plans


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Long-Term Care, Disability and Critical Illness insurance

Long-term care and disability insurance products help protect your ability to earn an income, which can be affected if you are afflicted by a disability or other condition.

Income is important for both current financial obligations (e.g. grocery bills and mortgage payments) and for future financial security (e.g. planning for your children’s education or for retirement). Just think what might happen if you suddenly lost your income stream through a long-term illness or disability.

I can help you choose the long-term care and disability insurance products that provide advantages to you and your family.

Hospital Indemnity Insurance

Unexpected hospital bills are distressing to both you and your family. Help ease the burden through insurance by covering part and/or all of your hospital copays with a supplemental plan. Most individuals don’t consider this protection until they experience the eye-opening and reality of a post hospital bill. There are some plans that provide coverage with less than 10 questions of health history.

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